Thursday, February 21, 2008

I scream, you scream, we all scream....

Today the children, Pastor Linda, and I finally got to see the houses everyone is working. What a lot of work everyone has done, and what a lot of work remains to be done. Jim said today that he wished he could have one more week to do all that he would like to do. Bodie was our videographer as we visited the houses and distributed ice cream cups as a treat for our workers – and the homeowners if they were there. It was great fun to see what our church family has been doing for the past few days.

Every story is so touching. It is so hard to imagine what it was like to have two hurricanes go through and destroy so many homes. Most of the houses we are working on were flooded by Rita, but one house we visited today was not flooded. It was destroyed by the rains that came if after Hurricane Katrina blew off the roof. The owners of that house will be joining us for dinner tonight. They are members of the Houma tribe and we are looking forward to hearing more about the tribe from them.

The best part of this week has been meeting the people who were affected by the hurricanes and hearing their stories. Even after two and a half years, it is part of the healing process for them to be able to share their stories over and over again. I feel privileged to be here to be part of that process.

Cheryl 2/21/08

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Teen Librarian said...
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