I came with the intent of learning, working and helping others. I have learned so much about the community of Dulac. I have learned how to mud sheet rock, sand it , cut sheet rock to frame in windows and put on the metal stripping and so much more. I have learned what a wonderful group of youth and adults that we have on this trip. We worked as a community to help another community.
I recall a children's book A House Is A House. It talks of a shell is a house for a crab, a cup is a house for tea, etc. This trip made clear to me to be thankful for my home. The people of Dulac have homes that we may feel are not in good enough condition to be a living place to call home. But over the week I realized that Dulac is their community, a place many have lived for generations, a place in their hearts that they call home. So when we see the devastation that this area has seen from hurricanes and the havoc that it has played on their homes in the realizing that :a house is a home", no matter it's state of condition, we must help them work toward bettering their living quarters the best we can.
As I worked on OUR home, as we call it, I sand the walls with careful work as if it was my home, because I care about this family and their home. They deserve the best work that I can offer. I feel as if I have left my fingerprint in this house that is to become once again a Home for Toni.
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