Our team (Bill & Lea, Dave, Carol, and Carl) has been working on Jimmie’s home on Bayou Grand Caillou.
Mostly we have been painting the exterior, but also have patched a hole in the floor, put trim around a door, and fixed the toilet.
Jimmie and Adele have been home the whole time, as well as their rat terrier Nana, so we’ve been getting to know them over the last four days.
Jimmie said he’s really glad to have us around, since they don’t get much company except when his momma comes over (he’s confined to a wheelchair and it’s difficult for him to get out.)
We also met one of his cousins who came by with a friend to clean the three alligator gar he’d just caught. We got to meet the neighbors on the other side too, who were preparing their crab traps to go out crab fishing. Crab season here is much longer than in San Francisco.
Monday through Wednesday we had good painting weather (no rain.) But last night a big paint. We did some work inside in the morning, and then were able to get back to painting in the afternoon.
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